Waiting times
Waiting times
Our waiting times are updated weekly (on Fridays). The current waiting times of location Rotterdam are:
- Waiting time to pre first consultation (pre-intake): 2-3 weeks.
- Waiting time to first consultation (intake): 7-8 weeks.
- Waiting time from first presentation (intake) to start of treatment: 2-3 weeks.
The current waiting times of location Amsterdam are:
- Waiting time to pre first consultation (pre-intake): 2-3 weeks.
- Waiting time to first consultation (intake): 14-16 weeks.
- Waiting time from first presentation (intake) to start of treatment: 2-3 weeks.
The waiting times of MiSi are published on the website in accordance with the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) regulations.
Read here more about our method.
Sign up or contact us
Would you like to register with MiSi NeuroPsy? Then click here . If you have any questions or comments, you can always contact us.
MiSi Neuropsy
Weena Zuid 130, 4e verdieping.
(kamers 410-430)
3012 NC Rotterdam
Iedere dag 08:00-20:00, behalve zondag.
+316 2818 3284 (Voor zorginhoudelijke vragen, 24/7 bereikbaar)
+3110 333 1901
info@misineuropsy.nl (algemeen)
zorg@misineuropsy.nl (aanmelden/zorgvragen)