Our method

Treatment at MiSi NeuroPsy

A treatment at MiSi NeuroPsy is built up in different phases. We start with the registration. Then there will be an intake interview and hopefully we will jointly arrive at a treatment plan. Then we will start working on your treatment plan. In the meantime, we regularly check whether we are still on the right track and work towards completion.

Quality standards

MiSi NeuroPsy works according to the latest scientific standards for the applicable professional groups. To guarantee this, MiSi employs researchers who have a PhD who monitor the scientific standards of MiSi NeuroPsy on a weekly basis and supplement them where necessary. For example, the internal library is currently being supplemented with a lot of information about screen-to-screen and telephone treatment. During the treatment, those involved will work with you and think about tailoring the treatment as much as possible.


Your registration (via the doctor or our website) is received by the registration team who checks and processes it daily. After this, your referral will be discussed and assessed within the assessment staff. This may result in 1) that you can immediately get an intake appointment, 2) that we call you and / or your referrer for other information or 3) that we inform you and / or your referrer that we are not the right healthcare provider for you. Even if the care may not be reimbursed by your health insurer, the registration team will indicate this and examine the options with you.

If you are eligible for an intake appointment, the application team will contact you within 1 - 3 days to schedule an appointment in the same or the following week. You will then be sent a questionnaire to map out your complaints, which will be discussed with you during the intake interview.

Intake and diagnosis

The intake is the first meeting you have with a practitioner. During this meeting we discuss what your complaints are and what your request for help is. Questionnaires are also used for this. This is followed by a treatment plan meeting. This conversation may be during your first appointment but more often during your second appointment. The practitioner will discuss the diagnosis and the treatment options with you. Together with the practitioner you choose the form of treatment that suits you best. You draw up the treatment plan together with the practitioner. At the end of the intake phase, the treatment plan is always put in your electronic patient file in agreement with you.

If the intake shows that you need other care, the practitioner will discuss the next steps with you. It may also be that further diagnostics are required. MiSi NeuroPsy also has its own diagnostics team.

It may happen that after the first consultation our care does not suit you or that there is no 'click' with the practitioner. If it turns out that the treatment offer is not appropriate, we will work with you to determine where the best care can be provided by our chain partners.

A good match with the practitioner is very important. At the end of the intake phase, the practitioner will ask you whether the match is a good one to start the treatment. If there is no click with the practitioner, it will be checked whether another practitioner from MiSi NeuroPsy is a better match.

Treatment plan and treatment

A BGGZ treatment consists of 3 to 12 sessions, depending on the severity and complexity of your complaints. SGGZ treatment can consist of up to 30 sessions. The shortest process is one month, the most common process is three months and if necessary your process can take a year. Your sessions will be weekly, unless otherwise agreed in exceptional cases (once every 2 or 4 weeks).

In the second meeting we look back at the intake and discuss the treatment plan. The treatment plan contains the goals we are going to work on and how we are going to do this. The practitioner carries out the treatment according to the MiSi NeuroPsy treatment plan and care pathways. During the treatment you will receive information and assignments that you can use at home. MiSi NeuroPsy also uses eHealth modules where you can, for example, keep records and diaries, do homework assignments and read information in peace. This allows you to continue to work on your treatment goals at home.

Involved environment

It is possible to bring a loved one (family, friend) to a conversation. Indicate this to your practitioner in advance. You can also share all information and your progress with others via eHealth.

Evaluation moments

We regularly check how things are going. Are we satisfied with the progress? Does the treatment still meet your expectations?

In any case, at every appointment there are moments when we look back and forward with you at the difference in your health. These interim evaluations also consider whether the treatment needs to be adjusted. At the end of your treatment process, we look at your health and you are also asked about your satisfaction with the treatment.

Closure and aftercare

Your treatment will last as long as necessary and no longer than necessary. It is discussed in advance how long the process will take according to our estimate. This can be anywhere from three to thirty sessions, or a month to twelve months. We will adjust this if necessary. We do this during the evaluations.

In the treatment at MiSi NeuroPsy, we always work on appointments to prevent a relapse. That is why our treatment focus is not only towards clinical recovery but also to empower you personally, socially and socially. To achieve this, we therefore work multi-systemically wherever possible. For example, by involving the social support system and if it is not available, expand it. But we also work with flash cards, which you can fall back on if you just don't remember. That way you can get to work yourself if things don't go well in the future.

Treatment methods

The most common forms of treatment that our therapists can offer are:


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a combination of cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy. In cognitive therapy, the emphasis is mainly on changing the way you think and interpret. Behavioral therapy mainly focuses on changing behavioral patterns (which maintain the problems and complaints). The aim of this therapy is to learn helpful thinking patterns and thus helpful behavioral patterns. We assume that if people change their way of thinking and / or acting, then how they feel will also change.


Attention-oriented cognitive therapy (MBCT) combines meditation techniques with cognitive behavioral therapy. During this therapy you learn to allow both positive and negative emotions and thoughts and to accept them for what they are. Furthermore, attention is paid to dwelling more on the experience in the here and now without judging it.


Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) is a short-term and supportive talk therapy designed for the treatment of depressive symptoms. The goal of this therapy is to find a (quick) solution to the problems someone encounters. These problems are always related to recent changes in relationships with (significant) others. During the therapy, attention is therefore paid to improving relationships with others.


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapy for people who continue to suffer from the consequences of a shocking event, such as an accident or violence. Thinking about this traumatic event still evokes unpleasant emotions. The use of EMDR treatment reduces the intense emotions associated with a post-traumatic stress disorder or other trauma-related disorders.

Schema therapy

Schema therapy makes it possible to understand and change old complicated behavioral patterns. During this therapy, students learn to change old behavioral patterns into desired behavior, by, among other things, recognizing the old behavior and by learning new thoughts.


Mentalization-Based Treatment is a proven effective treatment for people with emotion regulation problems, hypersensitivity and impulsive behavior. In this therapy, attention is paid to learning to perceive and understand their own behavior and the behavior of others. In addition, they learn to understand the feelings, thoughts and intentions of others.


Acceptance & Commitment therapy is a form of behavioral therapy that teaches how to make room for unpleasant emotions (acceptance). In addition, during this form of therapy, attention is also paid to distance yourself from negative thoughts in a healthy way and to live more in the here and now.

System therapy

In system therapy we assume that the social, relational and cultural context always plays a role in the complaints. The most important feature of this form of therapy is that important loved ones such as the partner, children, brother, sister, parents, neighbors, friends or colleagues are involved in the therapy. The parties involved are working to map out the mutual interaction patterns and to work towards improving them.


Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) focuses on learning to get a grip on strong emotions, such as sadness, sadness, anger and fear or a change of emotions. During therapy, attention is paid to examining these (strong) emotions, understanding them and learning to deal with them better.


Emotion-oriented therapy focuses on understanding, experiencing and changing emotions. Furthermore, the focus is also on becoming aware of underlying emotions and giving them new meanings, making behavioral changes possible.


With psychodynamic therapy (PDT) it is possible to gain more insight into yourself. During this therapy, attention is paid to unconscious thoughts and feelings (for example memories from early childhood) that can no longer be consciously remembered, but do influence current feelings and behavior.
The treatments at MiSi NeuroPsy can be given in Dutch, English, Spanish, Russian, Farsi, Dari, Moroccan (Berber and Arabic), classical Arabic, Somali, Modern Hindi and Punjabi.


To support the treatment, MiSi NeuroPsy also uses the following eHealth support (via Embloom, NiceDay and Therapieland):

  • Questionnaires (Dutch and English)
  • Psychoeducation in the form of treatment: eg digital care, introduction to ACT, introduction to CBT, introduction to Schema therapy, etc.
  • Psychoeducation in case of a complaint: e.g. anxiety complaints, assertiveness problems, worrying, dealing with stress, grief, etc.
  • Psychoeducation in the case of a disorder: e.g. depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, general personality disorder, etc.
  • Exercises with eg CBT, ACT, Mindfulness, Schema therapy, Positive psychology, exposure, etc.
  • Diaries: e.g. activity diary, anxiety diary, worry diary, etc.
  • Self-help modules from Mirro foundation: e.g. fear & panic, money worries, less worrying, bereavement etc.
  • Treatment modules: eg ACT, Depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic, Sleep etc.

We offer various tools, videos and links about psycho-education, EMDR and behavioral patterns, among other things.

Weena Zuid 130, 4e verdieping
(kamers 410-430)
3012 NC Rotterdam

+316 2818 3284
+3110 333 1901



MiSi Neuropsy 

Weena Zuid 130, 4e verdieping.
(kamers 410-430)
3012 NC Rotterdam

Iedere dag 08:00-20:00, behalve zondag.

+316 2818 3284 (Voor zorginhoudelijke vragen, 24/7 bereikbaar)
+3110 333 1901

info@misineuropsy.nl (algemeen)
zorg@misineuropsy.nl (aanmelden/zorgvragen)